Why have I defined my life by the men I have dated?

I have spent my life defining it by the relationships I have had with men and this has got to stop.

When discussing the past or reflecting on things that have happened, I remember it by the guy I was dating. This pisses me off…  A LOT.

The psychologist in me is determined to understand why I do this and also, to make a plan so that I NEVER do this again… because I am not and never will be defined by the men I had interest in.

Part of me believes it is due to being so emotional. I feel everything so deeply and at times, I have become so consumed by the relationship I was in, it became me.

Another part of me believes that I have always put my all into relationships. So, when they break down, it takes a part of me with it and therefore, makes me question who I am as a person.

It could also be the fact that I had a bad relationship with myself and instead of dealing with it, I focused on trying to fix relationships when I should have focused on myself.

Perhaps some weird shit happened in childhood and influenced the child version of myself to believe that my value depends on my relationship.

Who the hell knows?

What I do know, is that I will never define my life by the men I date. From now on, my life will be viewed by the challenges I have overcome and all that I have achieved.

hell na

The dreaded question… “Are you single?”

Why do we feel the need to be in a relationship?

What is so wrong with being single?

I go through phases where I love being single,

and then I get asked “Do you want a boyfriend?” or “Why are you single?”… like there is something wrong with me.

Why is it when we’re single, we are made to feel like some sort of outcast. You’re what? Single? What is wrong with her?

How about maybe I want to be single? Or how about maybe I don’t want to be single and you’ve just reminded me that society thinks I’m a reject.


There are so many things I love about being single. I love my own space and being able to make mess and lounge around in absolutely nothing.

and then I feel like I do want a relationship. That I have so much love to give to someone else.

But regardless of what I want, stop giving me your opinion as to why I’m single and whether I should be in a relationship or not.

Still learning that self-love

So far on this journey of airy fairy self-love

I have deleted unhealthy social media pages. I went through facebook, snapchat, instagram and said goodbye to all the fitness pages, healthy eating pages, models, celebrities etc. I knew seeing all these “perfect” people were affecting my mood but it wasn’t until I deleted nearly 300 instagram pages that I truly understood how social media was affecting me in such a negative way.

I’ve also stopped putting pressure on myself. I love working out but to balance university, work and some sort of social life is hard enough without adding the gym into it. Whilst I enjoy going, by making myself go, it becomes a chore and it makes me miserable. I’ve decided that my happiness will not be defined by weight. When I go to the gym, I become addicted (story of my life) and I put pressure on myself to constantly look better. I am never satisfied. From discovering this, I’ve realised I really need to give myself a break. I need to become happy in my own body before working out. I want to work out because I enjoy it, not to increase my levels of happiness due to weight loss.

I’ve realised that what I want most in the world is to be in a healthy loving relationship with a bestfriend and have a happy and healthy family. Such simple life goals. But in order to achieve this, I really need to chill out. I need to let go of the past. There is a lot in my past that I have let go of but for some reason, I define myself and my abilities on the successes and failures of past relationships. Absolutely bloody ridiculous! I know! When I am lonely, I reflect on past relationships and blame myself as the reason I am alone. I know that I have standards and the reason I am single is because the men in my past were just not right for me. We were at different stages of our lives. We were together for the wrong reasons. We wanted different things. Yet, I still punish myself for the failures in my life. I really want to and need to evaluate this section of my thought process. Failed relationships doesn’t make me a failure, it just means I’m strong because I didn’t settle for less.

It frustrates me that I am aware of what I am doing to myself. I’m aware I am punishing myself for something so ridiculous. So, this has got to change. I need to let go of every single person I’ve dated. I’m sick of holding on to memories that will never be the same again. I truly believe that in order to achieve self-love, I’ve got to say goodbye for the last time. It makes me really sad that people can come into your life, change your life and then leave forever. I hold on, hoping that they’ll come back and change their mind or just want to be friends because we did have happy memories. But this is not realistic. It needs to end now. I honestly blame social media for making this so hard. There are always reminders of the past and it’s hard to truly move forwards but I reallllly need to do this for myself. I want to do this for myself. 

Come on Kels, you got this!

Thanks lovers x

Single female seeking single male:

*Check the small print

Looking for a male companion. There are only a few requirements;

Hmm where to start.

Be an adult. I’m adult and at least try to have your shit together like I do.

A brain. Preferably a literate one… with knowledge. There’s no need to grammatical errors in the 21st century (checks for spelling mistakes…)

Humour. Please be funny and think I’m funny… because I am.

Preferably a lot of hair. I like to play with hair. That’s all.

Also, a beard please.

Nice teeth too. Whilst we’re on the topic of teeth, please brush them.

Cut your finger nails. There’s no excuses for this. Gross.

Be tall and and have more fat or muscle than me. I want you to carry me through the doorway on our wedding day, not the other way round.

Like emo music. Not just music because most people hate my music taste as it’s so varied but emo music. I like to reminisce my teen years and dress in black.

Don’t be a lad. No drugs and don’t go clubbing every weekend. I’m nearly 25. No time for that.

Have a job. An actual job. Not the same job as the 16 year old down the road.

Have ambition. I hate always planning for the future and dreaming for two people. Surprise me with a mid-year trip to Bora Bora!

Actually, be an action man! If you say you’re gonna do it, then do it. In every sense of the saying.

Have a car. I am not a taxi. But if you drive, be prepared for criticism and I will be your personal DJ.

Be good with money. I’m not a bank account… or your mum. No pocket money for you.

Enjoy cuddles. Lots of cuddles. In fact ignore everything else and just cuddle me.

Understand the basics of sexual intercourse. Forever being a teacher and it’s exhausting.

Have interesting hobbies. Sitting in the pub with a pint of Carlsberg every weekend watching the football is not a hobby.

Don’t have kids. I mean if they’re cute and your baby mumma isn’t a complete psycho then I may let this one slide. Otherwise, no.

Like reptiles and not fluffy animals. I’m allergic and it’s literally me or the dog.

Treat me like a lady. I may be a gob on legs and I may not know when to draw the line of banter but that does not mean that I do not want to be treated with respect.

Have friends. Preferably cool ones who I’ll actually like… and nice ones that I can set up with my friends.

Be a family guy. I love my family and you will be involved with them. I will happily be involved with yours too. However, if your family sucks, then its a no from me.

Don’t have emotional baggage. I may study psychology but I will not fix you. That being said…

Have emotions and for the love of god, show them. Acknowledging your emotions is way hotter than being a cold piece of wood.

Enjoy some kind of fitness so I can join in but don’t be a ‘roid head or a gym bunny. I cannot deal with someone who loves themselves more than they love me.

It would be nice if you had a degree or an academic interest. Not fussy or anything.

Whilst we’re at it, speak more than one language fluently. It’s hot.

Have family in other countries. I expect a lot of holidays.

Buy me presents. Not just on holidays but all the time, randomly, because I am a really special person.

Like all of my social media posts. Now, this one may be a little difficult because I feel I am a bit of a millennial but just do it. It’s the 21st century way of showing commitment.

Have pictures and cute statuses about me all over your social media pages. Show me off. I’m a fucking trophy.

Take me to parties. To show me off but also, so I can go shopping and buy new clothes to wear.

Be prepared for PMS. This means a lot of cuddles, chocolate and patience. It’ll be worth it in the end.

Basically just be really hot, have your shit together, be a nice decent human being and be prepared to be infatuated with your crazy ass girlfriend who will love you forever.



*A joke post before anyone freaks out starts making sexist comments

**I am going to hell

***Forever single

Letting go is the hardest and the strongest thing you can ever do

Being an ambitious person with strong morals, high standards and strong emotions is a gift but also a curse.

It means that the people who stay in your life are truly amazing and you love them dearly but it also means that you have to say “hi and goodbye” to a lot of people. And this means sadness, anger, frustration and what feels like wasted time.

Instead of letting these people go and getting on with my life happily and free of those that reduce the quality of my life, I blame myself.

A lot of the time, I am proud of my strength and my determination for a good life. I love my morals because I treat those how I want to be treated and I won’t accept any less. I refuse to settle. I refuse to be used or played or lied to. I don’t have time for negative energy in my life.

Yet, there is a small part of me that blames myself for when things go wrong. Despite it being my decision to say goodbye, I still feel guilt. I feel guilt for having high standards. I feel guilt for wanting better. I feel guilt for believing that I can be happier without that person.

AND HOW FUCKING BIZARRE IS THAT. I feel guilty for wanting to be happy?

So, I sat and experienced guilt for 15 minutes before telling guilt to fuck off. 

I don’t feel guilty.

I feel frustrated for wasted energy and time. I feel sad for putting energy into something that didn’t want my energy. I feel angry for blaming myself despite trying. I feel excited for my future. I feel relieved for being honest. I feel proud for appreciating my self worth and doing what was right for me.

But I do not feel guilty.

Because I should never ever settle for less and neither should you.

If someone is meant to be in your life, they will be in it. If you push them away, they will pull you back in. Regardless of hurtful words said or upsetting actions or even just disregard for feelings, if someone wants to be in your life because they value you as an individual, they will sure as hell be in it.

Not everyone you let go is a bad person and sometimes, that makes it harder but again, this does not mean you have to settle.

Just because they are a good person does not mean they are obliged to stay in your life. If they don’t bring you happiness, laughter, kindness and sometimes tears, then they aren’t worth it. If they aren’t consistent or loyal then you can say goodbye. If they aren’t interested in your life then stop listening to theirs.

This may sound selfish but it’s not because I am sure that like me, you would do all of those things for other people. So why should you be a back-up plan or a second choice to a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, family member… anyone.

You shouldn’t.

So don’t settle and be strong enough to let go of those who aren’t worth your time because who you are is not a curse, it’s a blessing.


I kind of fell into a long distance relationship…


So, I kind of fell into a long distance relationship.

I always swore it would never happen because I could never make it work. I never wanted to be in a relationship where someone was not right beside me. I am too needy.

Oh how things change.


The problem is: HOW DO I COPE?

Every time I see ‘him’, it’s amazing. It’s the best. If you were to plan a really great weekend, seeing him would it be it. It ticks all the boxes. I am constantly laughing. I am relaxed. I am excited. I am productive. I feel good about myself. I am happpppppyyyy.


But then comes the dreaded morning. Waking up and knowing that in an hour or so, you have to walk him to the train station and say goodbye.

Each time I say goodbye, I tell myself that it will be okay. You won’t miss him as much as the first time. You’ll get used to the distance.



What a massive lie I tell myself. I miss him more every day. Every hour. Every second. 

I get so excited to talk to him that when I do, I feel sad. It’s like I have so much to tell him and when he calls, I forget and just feel sad. The words “I miss you” mean so much but they hold that sinking feeling in my stomach every time I say them.

The 2 week wait doesn’t sound like much but it feels like a lifetime and it’s a sickening feeling. Knowing that when they step on that train, it’s a 14 day countdown… again. And despite how busy and distracted with work, uni, friends, family, gym, hobbies or whatever… days drag on. Days are even longer.


I miss him and there’s nothing I can do about it. I can’t see him any sooner. I physically want to grab him and not let him go. In fact, when I do see him, I spend most of the time just touching him and remembering him before he leaves again.

It’s hard and it’s going to get harder. I need to mentally prepare myself and make myself stronger. I just don’t know how. 

After listening to endless amounts of emo love songs and waking up from really nice day dreams of what could be, the sadness comes. 


BUT a notification. A snapchat. A message. A missed call. and even better, an answered call makes it just that little bit more bearable. 

The time we spend together is honest and pure. It is genuine and it’s real. It’s simply amazing and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It keeps me holding on to what ever this is because it is so good. The excitement of seeing him is too much. Waking up next to him is like a dream and I pinch myself so I know it’s real. The public displays of affection mean the world to me. It’s like we are in our own little world and no one else matters. Just us and it’s absolutely perfect.


So I will have to learn to put up with the constant missed calls, waiting for our schedules to match up so we can have a proper conversation, the smell of him on my pillow making me miss him even more, the empty space in the bed, missing the person guaranteed to make me laugh and smile all day. I will have to learn to put up with the distance and the time.

Because in the end, it is all worth it. 



101 days sober!

So, yesterday, I celebrated my 100 days sober!

I have gone from this …


to this…


I am so happy! In all honesty, sobriety feels normal to me now. It can still be tough at times but who I am as a person today is the best version of myself.

Becoming sober has made me realise a lot of things…

1/ Who my real friends are. I lost a lot of people and I chose to to distance myself from people too. But the people in my life right now are the best people and I ams so grateful to have them in my life.

2/ My depression backed off. My clouds are less grey and my shoulders are lighter. I can think more rationally and when I feel sad, I know that what I am feeling is real and it’s because of something that’s happened. Not because I have been drinking and my serotonin levels are confused and angry.

3/ I love myself. When I was drinking, I struggled to like myself. I’d have a drink and it would give me confidence. I’d have to a drink to forget. I’d have a drink to lose myself. I can’t do that now. Instead, I face my emotions, feelings, situations and I overcome them. It makes me love myself more because I feel true to myself.

4/ I had to find a balance. I have decided that if I am to go out into an environment with alcohol and drugs (e.g a party, a club), it needs to have one of these two things. Good company or a good reason. I have been out for the sake of it with people I’m not too confident around and my anxiety sky rockets and I either feel really uncomfortable or really bored. Instead, if I go out with the people I feel good around or for a reason (e.g work party, end of exams celebrations, birthday) then I seem to enjoy my self. This rule really works!

5/ I look great. I have had so many compliments on my image since being sober. In all honesty, this could be a range of things. Being sober has encouraged a healthier diet and regular gym sessions but as well as this, I am much happier. So it could be my weight loss, my clearer skin, my shinier hair or the smile on my face. Either way, it’s nice to hear compliments.

6/ It takes a lot for something to be a chore. When I was drinking, my hangovers were horrendous and I would feel so low for days after. Now, my head is clear. If I want something done, I do it. I don’t procrastinate, I just do it. Saying that, I still love to lay in bed all day and ignore the fact that my room is a mess. But what I mean is that nothing seems to hard.

7/ Life is much cheaper. Not only am I not paying for alcohol but I’m not paying for the extra travel on nights out or the greasy food at the end of the night. Sometimes, bars don’t even charge me for soft drinks. I’ll ask for blackcurrant squash with water or a redbull and I get a “don’t worry about it”. That is such a great feeling. It’s almost like a reward for being sober.

8/ I go to bed flawless. No emotional breakdowns causing my makeup to pour down my face. No streaky face from sweating. No panda eyes. No frizzy hair. Taking a selfie or a group picture is not an issue anymore.

9/ I wake up flawless. Literally. I wake up hydrated and fresh faced. I could get up and go for a run if I wanted too. In fact, I have gone for a run and at the same time, my friends have been throwing up hungover. It is really nice to not waste the day. Especially as my hangovers would last forever. I WOKE UP LIKE THIS.

However, there are some challenges of being sober…

1/ Asserting yourself. Some situations you want to avoid and can’t, like birthdays. Or you really want to socialise with your friends but the thought of going to a bar whilst they are all drunk can be tough. Each time I go out, I give myself a talking to and take the challenge head on. When I was drinking, I would talk to anyone and everyone. Being sober, it is a little more challenging. It’s scary. But at the same time, it’s exciting. I always come home feeling like I’ve been the best version of myself and I never leave with regrets.

2/ My anxiety is real. I always suffered hand in hand with depression and anxiety but being sober and having a clearer head, I know what I am feeling is real. My anxiety has seemed to increase a little but thats okay because every time I feel a wave of anxiety, I challenge it. My anxiety used to be for so many reasons and many of the thoughts came from regrets or confusion as to what I said or did when I was drunk. Now, my anxiety is is centred around having to answer people’s endless questions on my sobriety when I am in a social situation but I know that in time I won’t care anymore.

3/ Trying to find a replacement drink. At first, I would have redbull. That shit is not alcoholic but my god, it is strong. In fact, it made me have a panic attack. AVOID EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF CAFFEINE. Sometimes, I’ll have a coffee. Even then, I get the weirdest looks but I do love coffee. Although, it’s not possible to dance with a hot beverage in your hand and sometimes, it makes me want to sleep. Lime and soda is good choice. People just assume you’re drinking alcohol and you don’t have to constantly explain why you’re not drinking. Lastly, water. Water is FREE! and it keeps you hydrated. You can down it and not have to dance with a cup in your hand. Winning.

4/ Building your actual confidence rather than your liquid confidence. I love to dance but dancing sober can be scary. My biggest and best advice is to just not give a crap. I don’t have much shame anyway so dancing like a fool comes naturally to me. However, sometimes you get that “omg your sober, does anyone notice, are your dance moves okay, do they look sober” thoughts and it’s very off putting. In that scenario, let ya freak flag fly and shake dat ass. In all honesty, everyone is wasted and you will not be the worst dancer there, I promise.

5/ Reminding your friends you are still alive. Sometime’s people assume you don’t wanna party because you are sober. I love to party. Don’t sit back and wait for your friends to contact you because they will probably just assume you don’t want to be in that environment. If you wanna go out, then go out.

6/ Having to love your friends and family when they’re drinking and you’re not. I don’t judge anyone for drinking but being around my loved ones when they drink can bring back some awful memories. Especially if you used to drink with those people. This is just something you need to learn to deal with. Obviously, being sober, everything is more real. Seeing your friends absolutely wasted is funny when you are drunk but when you’re sober, you not only get reminded of yourself and your bad times but you become mumma-bear and want to protect them. In reality, they were probably always like that but because I was drunk, I didn’t notice… usually because I was the most drunk.

7/ You have to face reality. Everything you suppressed with drinking is now going to come to the surface and it’s time to deal with it. It can be really hard at first but give it time and you’ll be thankful that you’ve been brave and dealt with your demons.

8/ Coming to terms with your sobriety. This was probably the hardest thing to do. I wanted to be sober when I stopped and I am so glad I stopped drinking but there are times when you really punish yourself and you shouldn’t. I recently went through a tough time and instead of just facing the truth that these things just happen, I got angry at myself. I punished myself for who I was when I was drunk. I would hate on myself with thoughts like “why are you so ‘special’ that you need to be sober”, “you’re fucked up” and “why can’t you be like everyone else”. Luckily, I told myself to shut up and after a lot of internal arguments, those thoughts rarely come now. Those thoughts are reallllly stupid because I’m not fucked up and I don’t want to be like everyone else. Also, just become I’m sober, it doesn’t mean that I’m some weird alien species. I just stopped drinking. Thats all.

But despite all the challenges I have faced, the thing that I am most proud of is my bravery. I went to parties and clubs sober. I danced sober. I purposely pushed myself out of my comfort zone and did everything I usually did when I was drunk but this time, I did it sober. As well as this, I moved out of a house and environment that was making my mental and physical health worse. I sought professional help. I went back to the gym. I studied harder. I worked harder. I laughed harder. I started a society for people at University who want to enjoy their time without drugs or alcohol. I am saving for a mental health placement in Sri Lanka. I have two summer jobs. I have strengthened friendships and I have found a balance in life where it is no longer all or nothing. I am no longer drowning in the river of emotions, I am now chilling on the riverbank watching the emotions flow past. 

Choosing to change your life in a positive way which is socially rejected can be extremely hard but I have done it and I will continue to do it.

I am still Kelly. I’m still funny and loud. I still dance like no-ones watching. I still say really inappropriate things. I still make mistakes. But this time, I have more control of who I am and I love myself and that is all I want in life. I don’t care if you think I’m boring or think less of me because of my choice to free myself. I’m less boring than I ever was and I will continue to enjoy life to its full potential.

Lastly, I may have done the majority of things on my own but I have to thank everyone who has supported me. You may not have understood my choices but the fact that you were still there by my side has made this so much easier. Even if you ‘just read this blog’, it is such a huge support and I couldn’t ask for more. Thank you guys x



Why are break ups so painful?

Sometimes, a break up is too hard to put into words.

The emotions and feelings that come with it are so intense and complex, you can’t explain it.

You can go about your daily routine with your war paint on and practice being happy but when it comes to laying your head on the pillow at night, you realise that actually… you’re still a little bit broken.

Swirling through your heads are the “What if’s” and “Why’s” of everything that has happened…

What if I had just stayed? What if he just slept on it? Why wasn’t I enough? Why did it go from great to goodbye?

Then come the “Maybes”

Maybe I said something wrong. Maybe he never loved me. Maybe he still loves me. Maybe he wants me back. Maybe he never will.

Then all the happy memories cloud your mind and there you are, lying on your bed feeling empty and sad. 

Should I text him? Should I just check his facebook?

You start to feel crazy. The feelings are overwhelming.

Which emotion do you face first?

How do you even distinguish which emotion you are feeling? There are too many.

You want them to be hurting as much as you are because you love them so much and you can’t understand why this is happening and why after loving them completely, they are allowing you to hurt.

But you want to check if they are okay because you love them so much and the thought of them hurting adds to your hurt.

You want to be strong because it’s all you can do and society has taught us not to be weak especially not in front of your ex. But it hurts. And all I want is a cuddle.

You’ve been through break ups before. You know you’ll survive but the pain never gets easier. 

Then after feeling so upset, anger starts to take over.

How could he do this to me? I loved him so much and I would of done anything for him. Why wasn’t I good enough for him? How dare he think I wasn’t good enough for him. Is he even who I thought he was? 

Then the anger towards yourself starts.

Why did you give yourself to someone again. This always happens. You gave everything to him. You put all of your energy into the relationship and you still weren’t enough. You should of seen the warning signs. You’ve seen them before. Why did you let your guard down? Why did you think this time would be different?

Then you become angry for being angry.

Screw this. You’re better than this. Stop being such a mess. Get over it.

You stay strong for another day. Your head hits the pillow and the cycle starts again.

Why can’t breaks up be a little less painful?