Mental health covers such a wide range of conditions and it is nothing to be ashamed of.



Don’t apologise to me because you are feeling sad for no reason.

Don’t apologise to me because you don’t want to leave the house today because you can’t face other people.

Don’t apologise to me because you cut a night short because of a panic attack.

Don’t apologise to me because you shouted at me over something stupid.

Don’t apologise to me because you burst into tears for no reason.

Don’t apologise because you cancel on plans because you are tired due to lack of sleep.

Don’t apologise to me because you forget something because your mind is clouded with negative thoughts.

Don’t apologise to me because you have ways of coping such as self-harm or recreational drug taking.

Don’t apologise to me because you left without saying goodbye because your self-esteem was so low you couldn’t cope.

And do not apologise for feeling the way you feel.

Feelings are inevitable and sometimes, they are consuming.

The only time I want you to apologise is when you are not helping yourself.

Then, the only person I want you to apologise to is yourself.


Learning to cope and treat your mental health can be a long and windy road where you take several steps forward and a couple of steps back but know that each time you fall back, you are never right back to where you started.

Every day with help, whether that be medication or counselling, you are one step closer to feeling better than the day before. You are stronger than the day before.

It may never go away and it may never come back but you will always know that you have beat it once and you can beat it again.

And every moment you are in this isolating torment, you are not as alone as you think. I PROMISE.

You are human, you have emotions and feelings. Take each day as it comes and don’t be too hard on yourself. 

You could play football 5 days a week and hurt yourself physically and you could be stressed for 5 days a week and you could hurt yourself mentally. Both may need some form of help and both may need time and support. IT IS NOT ANY DIFFERENT.

Whatever you are struggling with; stand up, grab it with two hands and look at it in the eyes and say





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I have battled with mental health and substance misuse for years and this blog is about my journey. I hope it makes you laugh, makes you cry but most of all inspires you to live the best life you can 🦋

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